Monday, March 17, 2008

Rising Pizza Prices

More reviews are coming Wednesday. In the meantime, see this piece about rising pizza prices.
A block away is Two Boots To Go West, on West 11th Street, part of a chain, which raised its price to $2.50 from $2.25 for a slice in November; another increase is expected soon, said the manager, Efrain Aquino, 42.

In the old days, Mr. Aquino said, “the biggest overhead was always rent and cheese.” Now, the biggest cost is flour. Last week, he said a 50-pound bag cost $28.50; a year ago, the same bag was $12.
In the Providence area, Via Via IV and Pizza Pie-er have recently raised their prices. Have any others?

1 comment:

Roger Williams said...

Pizza Pie-er got even more expensive? Hard to imagine! I used to order from them every once in a while, but their delivery range is small, and their prices were always a little on the high side. Sicillia's is holding steady, though!